The theme for this session was “The Senses” and took place in our usual haunt, The Woolpack in Tillicoultry.

First of all, we listened to an original poem written by one of our long standing members, “A Walk in the Park”, in which the protagonist felt they were being followed… but were they?

Our second offering of the evening was “Pier Shonks and the Dragon”, a legend from 12th century Hertfordshire during a time called The Anarchy.  Pier was famed for defending the area where he and his neighbours lived from the warring factions of The Anarchy.


After that we listened to “New Territory”.  In this story, a fisherman falls in love with a beautiful woman.  They live together, she cooks him sumptuous feasts, but she often goes away for long spells of time.  Eventually, the fisherman discovers that the woman turns in to a wolf and runs with the pack.

Next we heard another self-penned untitled poem about the cleverness of women.

Our fifth telling was “The Kilmarnock Ring”, a true story.

The penultimate tale of the evening was “Come Fly With Me”, another true story about the transformative power of music in a respite care home.

Last but not least, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” was told – but transplanted to our very own Clackmannanshire!

Another interesting and informative evening was enjoyed by all present.  As our resident poet says:  “It’s better than doing the ironing”!


On Wednesday, 3rd July, our fortnightly session had the theme of “A Different Perspective”.  We also heard some tales about castles, as the previous session was cancelled.

First, we heard the story of The Myretoun Maid, as told from the perspective of her father.  This is a very well known local story about a Tullibody woman called Martha who fell in love with the local priest but sadly their romance did not last as the priest cast her aside.  You can still visit the maid’s grave in the old graveyard in Tullibody.

Next we listened to the tale of The Princess and the Pups, in which a baby princess is stolen away by a fearsome giant.  Her father, the king, must enlist the aid of men he meets on the road in order to get his daughter back.

After that we were entertained by a poem, Your Home is Your Castle, composed by one of our long-standing members.  It reminds us that a warm welcome makes any home a castle.

Our penultimate story was The Fairy Flag.  This flag was, so legend tells, given to Clan MacLeod by the fairy folk and led the clan to victory in battles.  It was to be used only three times… only twice was it required.

Last of all we heard a self-penned tale, The Dragon Princess.  A queen gives birth to twins, but one is a dragon.  It relates events in the lives of the two princesses as they grow up.

Once again it was a wonderful evening, enjoyed by all.


Our next storytelling session will be in our usual venue of the Woolpack Inn, Tillicoultry, on Wednesday, 3rd July.

Our theme will be “A Different Perspective”.  Of course, all are welcome to come along and tell a story on any subject you fancy, or just come to listen.  It makes for a relaxing and convivial evening.  So come and join us!



Our next session will be on Wednesday, June 5th 2024 and our theme is “Sunshine”.

We will meet in the welcoming surroundings of the Woolpack Inn, Tillicoultry, 7.30pm – 9.30pm.

Come and join us to listen to tales based on our theme, or perhaps you’d like to tell a tale of your own.

Everyone is welcome!


Our second storytelling session in May, on Wednesday, 15th, was, as usual, in the convivial surroundings of the Woolpack Inn, Tillicoultry.

Our loose theme was “Children”.

First we heard the tale of Goldilocks, told from Goldilocks’ own point of view.  In this telling, our heroine tries to justify her actions!

The second story of the evening was “The Menstrie Kips”.  The Kip family lived in Jerrah cottage in the Ochils.  Their young son, Tommy, is rescued from a deep ravine by the wee folk, but neither his father nor his mother believe his tale.

Next up was “This Be The Verse”, Phillip Larkin’s well-known poem, written in 1971.  It is one of the nation’s favourite poems.

The evening’s fourth offering was “The Hanging of the Mouse”, in which a king defeats all other kingdoms around his, but one day discovers that all his subjects have disappeared.  A wizard has cast a spell over the king’s lands to avenge the other lands which have been conquered.  The mouse in the title is in fact the wizard’s son, caught stealing ears of wheat and sentenced to hang. Thankfully, an arrangement is reached and the mouse lives.

Next we listened to a story about another king, a handsome and vain one, who hates any signs of ageing, so he sends all his older subjects away.  His kingdom soon declines without the elders’ wisdom.  It takes a young girl to show the king how useful the elder generation can be.

Our penultimate tale, “Habetrot” concerned an old woman who spun yarn for a local girl who could not spin,  and then convinced the girl’s new husband that she should never spin again.

Our last story was “The Selfish Giant” by Oscar Wilde in which a giant learns that keeping his garden to himself, chasing away the local children, causes his garden to wither.  The giant learns to welcome the children back and to delight in watching them play.

We all enjoyed listening to and telling these stories and poems, and the accompanying memories of our own childhoods.




Frandy Tree
Photo courtesy of Stravaiger

On Wednesday, 1st May our regular fortnightly storytelling session took place, as usual, in The Woolpack Inn, Tillicoultry.

Our theme this time was “Spring”.

We heard several stories with trees at their heart.  We listened to “The Wonderful Tree,” in which, during a drought, all the trees die except for one, which can supply all creatures with food… only if the magic word is spoken.

“The Shepherdess and the Tree” told the tale of an orphaned girl, taken in by a shepherd who taught her his shepherding skills.  On the first day the girl had sole responsibility for the flock, her curiosity got the better of her, and fairy magic and mischief came her way!

We also listened to “Saving the Forest”, in which the people of Scotland must find an ingenious way of saving their forests from devastating fires.

“The Wonderful Tree” is an African folk tale in which during a long drought, Monkey, Elephant and Lion all  try to remember the magic word to wake up the sleeping tree which will give them limitless fruits of many varieties.  However, only slow and steady Tortoise completes the task successfully.

We then heard an original poem from one of our newest members, titled “The Green Man”.

After that, we listened to “The Queen of the May”.

“Auld Cruivie” told the story of Jack, who yearned to witness the trees dancing on Midsummer’s Eve.

In “The Monster of Raasay”, a lonely but greedy man agrees to give said monster her baby back, but only if she can grant his three requests.  Of course, he tries to make the last request impossible, in order to keep the baby monster, of whom he has become quite fond.

We all had a most enjoyable evening once again.



Our next session, on Wednesday, 15th May, 2024, has the theme of “Children”.

Join us to listen to children’s stories of all kinds, or stories about children or childhood.  There may be some poems told, too.

Perhaps you’ve a story to share?

We meet in The Woolpack, Tillicoultry, 7.30pm  9.30pm.


The Law
Photo courtesy of Stravaiger

Come along and join us at the Woolpack Inn, Tillicoultry, on Wednesday, 1st May from 7.30pm til 9.30pm for an evening of tales loosely based on the subject of “Spring”.

Choose to listen to stories and perhaps poems told by our members or perhaps you’d like to tell one of your own.


On Wednesday, 17th April, our storytelling session had the theme of “Trickster Tales”.  We were treated to a variety of stories and poems on this theme.

Firstly, we listened to the tale of “Kitty Illpretts and the Giant”.  Kitty was the youngest of three sisters. a poor but clever girl working for the king, who brought good fortune to her elder sisters and herself by outwitting the giant who lived nearby.

The second offering was the true story of “Gregor MacGregor”, who conned and lied his way through life in the 19th century.

Thirdly, a poem was told, “The Trickster”, composed by one of our members herself.  It told of the trickster in her house, who left a mess behind them, ate all the biscuits and left wet towels on the floor.  Perhaps you have a trickster in your house?

Next up was another original poem, “My New Friend”.  It told a tale of  romance fraud, an all too common form of tricks in the internet age.

Our penultimate offering was “The Devil and the Farmer”, set in Fife, after a terrible storm destroys a farmer’s grain store.  An odd wee man comes to his rescue… or does he?

Our last story was “A Home of Their Own”, a Swahili tale of the unlikely “house share” between a leopard, a hare and his ever growing family.

We enjoyed a wonderful evening once again, in the comfortable setting of The Woolpack Inn, Tillicoultry.



Our second February storytelling meeting will be in The Woolpack, Tillicoultry, on Wednesday, 21st February, 7.30 – 9.30pm.

Our subject will be “Spring”.

Please join us to listen to stories, poems and perhaps even songs, base loosely around this subject.

We hope to see you there!