Our storytellers Joanne Dowd and Rosie Brown shared a Story and Supper with the children of Fishcross Primary.

















Rosie Brown sharing the magic of toys in storytelling







The audience were delighted to hear Joanne Dowd tell one of our local tales the story of the Fox Boy

Hillfoots Tales needs you! Are you interested in volunteering?

Hillfoots Tales became a Community Interest Company in 2021. They aim to connect people and places to promote well-being through the magic of storytelling. The group provide storytelling events (fortnightly), women’s workshops for well-being and are part of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival of 2022.
There are various opportunities including:
– Typing
– Photography
– Social Media
– Collating evaluations
– Report/funding application writing
– Storytelling
They are looking for people who are keen to learn, enthusiastic and willing to interact with other people. Preferably experience in one of the areas listed above will be an advantage.
If so, contact Marion via email: levettmarion@ymail.com or by phone: 07840445929

Woolfpack Sharing on Sept 1st 2022

Storytelling at the Woolfpack
Storytelling at the Woolfpack 2
Storytelling at the Woolfpack 3
Great sharing as always at the Woolfpack in Tillicoutry on 1st September 2022!
Stories included Stone Soup; The Fox and the Wolf; You wanted a sign? Who is Karen Ann? and some Tales from Turkey.
As always the magic in the oral storytelling tradition is watching the animated and engrossed faces and the little bits we share between the stories.
Why not join us next time: Wednesday 14th September 7.30p.m. at the Woolpack in Tilly. You won’t be disappointed.
Added bonus: very good for your mental health.

Tilly Tales on 8th August 2022

Thanks to our wonderful audience who came along to our “Tilly Tales,” event last night as part of Tillicoultry Community Week.
We enjoyed sharing our stories and loved hearing yours too.
Talia from Forth Valley Radio came along and interviewed two of the Storytellers!

Tales from the High Place on 3rd August 2022

Thanks to everyone who came along to our ‘Tales from the High Place’ last night and shared their spooky 👻 stories and poems.
We had a supernatural focus and were enchanted by the Green Lady and a mysterious dripping shawl as well as a couple of Taits Tomb tales.
We had gasps and laughter and a wee recurring theme from Mary Queen of Scots to Mary Stevenson and Craigie Shanter’s Ma Mary and even Marydoll got a look in!
We’re back on Monday 8th at 7.30pm as part of Tillicoultry Community Week come along and enjoy some TIlly Tales.
All Welcome!

Clackmannanshire Women’s Aid works with Hillfoots Tales at Inglewood House

A representative from Women’s Aid said:
We were lucky enough to have the chance to chat with the incredible Hillfoots Tales last week ☀️💞
Some of the women we work with met at Inglewood House for some afternoon tea and a storytelling workshop. The feedback was amazing:
✨️ “I enjoyed this experience and meeting other people, realising you’re not on your own.”
✨️ “I enjoyed the encouragement and similarities of women attending. It was a really positive experience, pushed me to open up.”
✨️ “It was really good and interesting. It was good to get out the house and hear how others are doing.”
Thank you to Jo & Eleanor at Hillfoots Tales for such an engaging and welcoming workshop. 💜

A smashing storytelling fundraiser in aid of S.L.A.T.E Charity and Boards for Bairns.

Smashing time last night in Dunfermline at The Fire Station
A storytelling fundraiser in aid of S.L.A.T.E Charity and Boards for Bairns.
Thanks to a superb team of local helpers and storytellers Jo Dowd, Anne Dignan, Elaine Robertson, Joshua Bryant, and me Michael Kerins. We were expertly led by Paula Graham, Nathan Graham, Scrangerine Van Tanner and wonderful words about Boards for Bairns from Gregor Fell. Rona Barbour visiting from England told us about a new project she is setting up.
The Fire Station is an ideal venue for pop up art projects.
Thanks again everyone who participated and helped us raise £207
Bravo Bravo and thrice Bravo!